Cats are liquid
Cats are liquid

cats are liquid

Over the course of the game, you get to explore 120 rooms and discover new abilities like the hookshot and light burst. You get to go on a nice adventure with them where nothing goes wrong and everything is perfect, as long as your friends stay there, right by your side. Yes, there are a few containers, but you'll enjoy seeing hundreds of cats in the act of flowing in the Twitter thread. You play as the cat, in a place created just for you and your friends. This flexibility helps cats both escape from predators. Cats have more bones in their spines than humans, and each joint adds flexibility. Their super-elastic spine also contributes to cats’ liquid-like characteristics. Instead of taking the shape of the container, these cats are liquid because of the way they flow. Cats’ collar bones do not form joints with other bones, and their shoulders are attached only through muscular connections. Cats’ collar bones do not form joints with other bones, and their shoulders are attached only through muscular connections. Looking through the huge number of data points in the replies, it appears that Japanese cat lovers approach the theory from a different position. They can squeeze into and through impossibly small spaces because of their anatomy. around her are stars and a few clouds, the clouds faintly colored green. there are two strings that resemble halo's above her head, a moon and sun on them accompanied by stars. she is walking towards the left as she looks to the right, looking towards a cartoon-y star that has a glowing purple aura. If you guys need a comfort hug, I can send a cyber one TTThis was livestreamed on Twi. 我が家の弓吉さんもドュルンと流れてます /jqKQGgziZ4- ニボ January 23, 2019Ī Japanese retailer has a Twitter account, Felissimo Nekobu, that operates as a "cat club." A recent Tweet presented the theory that cats are liquid and asked followers to contribute evidence. image id: a digital drawing of lumi from cats are liquid, with proportions of a real cat. So that was the end of Cats are Liquid Geez that ending was SO SAD. But those demonstrations mostly showed how cats take the shape of their container, which is an essential property of a liquid. A study about it even won an Ig Nobel Prize in 2017. We've presented the theory that cats are liquid more than once here at Neatorama. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately.ダム決壊 /4cFhdWUTFc- 菅 浩江★『妄想少女』Web連載 January 23, 2019 By using this Site you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site.


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Cats are liquid