For example, slim-bodied goldfish can survive water temperatures near the freezing point. It’s important to note that there are a variety of species of goldfish, and because of this, they may have a slight variation in their desired water temperature.

Putting a heater in with goldfish can make the water too warm and could seriously harm them or lead to an early death. The only time you might consider a heater for a tank with goldfish is if the temperature in your home is cooler than normal. They typically do well in a tank at room temperature. Goldfish are considered cold-water fish and do not require a heater. Keeping the water at an ideal temperature will keep them healthier and will keep their colors brighter and more vibrant. They will live shorter lives, be more susceptible to disease, and may be lethargic and tired. If the water in your aquarium is too cold, your tropical fish will suffer and be generally unhealthy. Installing a heater in your aquarium helps to guarantee they won’t be subjected to fluctuations in temperature that occur because of the environment of your home. Tropical fish need a consistent temperature of around 78%.

Putting a heater in the aquarium guarantees that your fish will have a steady temperature in the range their accustomed to in the wild. So, if the temperature in your home drops overnight, even by five or ten degrees, then the temperature of the water in the aquarium will drop as well. Tropical fish need a consistent temperature between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit (23.88-26.66 degrees Celsius) to thrive. And while most people might think their homes are generally warm enough to keep the water temperature warm, this isn’t the case. When we put an aquarium in our homes, the water temperature will quickly match the temperature of the room it’s in. Without the right water temperature, tropical fish are at risk of a lowered life expectancy and will be generally unhealthy. This will keep your fish healthy, boost their immunity from diseases, keep their colors vibrant, and ensure they will be livelier. Tropical fish in the wild live in warm waters, which means you will need a heater to keep the water at a consistently warm temperature.
Cold water snails for goldfish aquarium how to#